Creager-Krieger, etc

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About us

Links to current Creager-Krieger-Krueger surname project phylogenic trees as of 03/24/2024

Haplogroup E - LINK

Haplogroup I - LINK

Haplogroup J - LINK

Haplogroup R1a - LINK

Haplogroup R1b - LINK

YouTube video explaining Haplogroup migrations and subclades - 
* Haplogroup R1b - LINK
* Haplogroup R1a to Scandinavia - LINK 
* Haplogroup R1a to Asia - LINK
* Haplogroup R1a Slavic - LINK
* Haplogroup I- LINK

International Society of Genetic Genealogy -

Links to popular research and family tree websites -

Autosomal genetic tools and matching -

One World Family Tree -

Online Transcribing software - Transkribus

Youtube videos about German research - 

Tips on searching in the German Empire - LINK

Deciphering village names in the German Empire - LINK

Deciphering German Church registers - link

Another German church records video - Link

German Church (Kirch) records -

German Places and Locations -
YouTube video explaining Meyers Gazetteer - LINK

German naming conventions - LINK

German Family Books -