
  • 14 members

About us

The AbouEzzi family originated in the early nineteenth century in Kherbit-Qanafar, a small farming town in the south-west Bekaa region of Lebanon. The complete family tree is fairly well known. Immigration to the new world including to Canada, USA, & Brazil started around 1900. We know of Marian in Maine, Ralph in Ottawa, and many came to Ohio. Many changed their last names to Ezzie. There is a narrative in the family tradition that the first AbouEzzi changed his last name from Eid after he fled from Mazraet-el-Dahr in the Shouf region to the Bekaa region. However, DNA testing jointly with members of the Eid family disproved this narrative. So, now we have an open question that we hope this project will help answer. The objectives of this project include: 1- Confirm the known family tree by correlating DNAs of individuals from each main branch of the tree. 2- Identify the pre-AbouEzzi lineage of the family, which will most likely be Maronite Lebanese. 3- Re-connect with members of the family who immigrated long time ago and lost touch. 4- Identify males who where sired by an AbouEzzi but who no longer carry the name (adoption, out of wedlock birth, etc). 5- Shed light on the deep history ancestry of the family through the Genographic project. DNA testing suggests that the family belongs to the J2 haplogroup (M172 marker), which is prevalent around the Mediterranean and was recently linked to the Phoenicians. If you are a family member we hope you will join this project and participate in sharing your DNA, knowledge, or photos about the family history. For more details about the known background of the family please visit: http://www.abiezzi.com.