
Anyone with Tasmanian ancestry, especially those with the Family Finder test.
  • 100 members

About us

The Tasmanian Geographic group project seeks to discover and positively link via genetic DNA markers the many common surnames and direct genetic relationships in Tasmania. As an island with a relatively stable population, people with Tasmanian ancestry are more than likely to have DNA connections. The Family Finder autosomal-DNA test will be the most useful for identifying matches to common ancesors who were here after European settlement (convict and free) began just over 200 years ago. The Y-DNA test will seek matches for a male's direct male (and surname) ancestor, while the mt-DNA test will seek matches for direct female ancestors. Because mt-DNA is unchanged over many generations, even close matches will probably be long before European settlement in Tasmania. These tests help with identifying the likely geographic origins of an individual for thousands to tens of thousands years ago.