South Central Kentucky Ancestry

  • 116 members

About us

The South Central Kentucky Surname DNA Project was created to allow folks whose families have roots in that region to compare Y-DNA and mtDNA haplotypes and haplogroups. Surname changes, unrecorded adoptions, and other non-paternity events often raise many questions. It is hoped that by allowing individuals to compare their DNA signatures, or haplotypes, outside of a surname project will provide clues as to family origins, as well as allowing participation at minimal cost for folks for this region whose names are not yet established as surname projects. It is also hoped that the testing of mtDNA will allow for maternal line comparisons, something which is more appropriate to a geographic group than to a surname-oriented project. The goal of the project is to allow individuals from the South Central region of Kentucky to gain insight into their individual origins and relationships through Y-DNA and mtDNA comparisons.

Please note: results are anonymously listed on the project's public website. No information is displayed that will identify an individual. This is a requirement for participation in this project and by joining you are agreeing to that. Counties included are: Adair, Barren, Casey, Cumberland, Green, Hart, Lincoln, Monroe, Pulaski, Russell, and Wayne.