
  • 3 members

About us

People with the PULLINGER surname or a variant are invited to participate in this PULLINGER Surname DNA Project. Females may encourage or sponsor a PULLINGER male relative such as father, brother, uncle or cousin to test.

The objectives of this project are to :
• break down brickwalls in your PULLINGER family history research
• discover how your PULLINGER ancestors are related to other families with the PULLINGER surname
• discover how the different PULLINGER family lines are related worldwide
• provide leads for those PULLINGER living in the USA, Australia and South Africa to link up and reach back across the pond
• discover which PULLINGER researchers are able collaborate their family history research because their DNA results show that they share a common PULLINGER ancestor

We encourage males with the surname (or an interest in the surname) Pullinger to take the most comprehensive Y-DNA test that suits their budget. A minimum of the Y-DNA37 marker test is recommended as the best value for money.