
  • 77 members

About us

A total of 50 individuals have participated as of 3/26/07, 47 have returned their cheek-scrapings, and the results are in for 47 members to trace their European origin.

Our initial findings suggest that four or more distinct groups of the "Longeneckers" exist: 18 participants have exact matches of the 12-marker test whose descendants came from "Langenegg" slightly north of Langnau, Canton Bern (Haplo R1b); 4 participants have exact matches of the 12-marker test whose descendants came from "Langenegg" around Gais, Canton Appenzell (Haplo R1a); and 8 participants have exact matches of the 12-marker test whose descendents came from Sweden (Haplo R1b). One participant's ancestors came from south of Baden, Germany.

The results are not back for the new Longenecker participant, whose near-ancestor came from Russia and his distant-ancestor, speculatively, came from Switzerland.

Three participants have exact matches of the 12-marker test (Haplo R1b) whose descendants MIGHT have come from "Langenegg" south of Langnau. This speculation requires more extensive research.