Knowles Surname DNA Project

Knowles / Knoles / Noles (all spellings are welcome)
  • 286 members

About us

1.  Y-DNA tests for fewer than 37 markers (12 and 25 markers) may not be unique to one specific Knowles Progenitor.  Therefore, the project recommendation is to test for at least 37 markers, if the test results are to be used for genealogical research   (2008).

2.  Females (and males) tested for mtDNA may be  included in the Knowles Surname DNA Project, if they have female Knowles ancestors, or they are looking to profile the wives of their Knowles male ancestors (2010).

3.  Males and females with Knowles ancestors obtaining the atDNA test (Family Finder) may join the Knowles Surname DNA Project  (2012).

4.  The Y-DNA profile has been established for over 40 Knowles Progenitors (2013).

5.  The Knowles Surname Project now includes over 150 participants (2013). 

6.  A Facebook Group for the KKNFA has been establish to provide for discussions concerning Knowles genealogies and DNA test results  (2014).