
  • 29 members

About us

1/ To determine if all Frady surname males are genetically related.

2/ By making Frady Y-DNA available on the Internet, and in various comparative databases, e.g.,, we hope to uncover what worldwide DNA connections exist, and within what surname groups.

3/ To have a living male descendant for each of Charles Frady's son's tested. The male offsprings, we believe, were as follows:

In that regard, here is the status as of April 2016:

Henry, b.1782 (67 marker test completed and matching).
John, b.1784 (37 marker test completed and matching).
Ephraim, b.1785
William, b.1793 (37 marker test completed and matching).
Charles, b.1797 (67 marker test completed and matching).
George W., b.1801 (37 marker test completed and matching).
Lewis, b.1802
Thomas, b.1804 - (37 marker test completed and matching).