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George Cockerham of Devonshire, d. 31 Jan 1576, had two sons, George & William. George, the son, married Edith and stayed in Devonshire. Names from this line match with names from the Daniel Cockerham, Sr. line. In any case, the Daniel Cockerham line & the John Cockerham, Sr. line do not have a MRCA for about 450 years back in history.

George's son William Cockerham married Mary Burley from Dorsetshire and moved there. It is from this line that Capt. William Cockerham descended. John Cockerham, Sr. and William Winn Cockerham probably came from this line via Capt. William Cockerham and the John Cockerham that Capt. William brought to Virginia in 1666.

More and more it seems that John Cockerham, Sr. (b.1735) is John Cockerham, Jr. of Lunenburg County, Virginia. His father is called John Cockerham of Lunenburg and was born in 1704 in King William County, Virginia. It is strongly possible that this John Cockerham is descended from the John and Mary Cockerham brought to Virginia by Capt. William Cockerham in 1666. I think that this John may have been son of Capt. William’s younger brother, Denis, who lived on the Isle of Purbeck, in Dorsetshire, or even the son of Capt. William. The MRCA for the John of Lunenburg line and the William Winn Cockerham falls a generation or so before Captain William Cockerham and could easily be his father in Dorset. John Cockerham of Lunenburg could have been the grandson or great-grandson of the John & Mary Cockerham that came over in 1666.

If John Cockerham, Sr. is the son of John Cockerham of Lunenburg he would have had five brothers and two sisters: Philip, Benjamin, William, Moses V., Minor Young, Letty and Mary. He also would have three wives: Candace, Brambley and Elizabeth. Children with his first wife are Olive, Andrew, Allen and David.

Another bit of genetic knowledge we’ve picked up is the linage of the John Cockerham that married Sarah Cockerham, daughter of John Cockerham, Sr. (b. 1735). The John Cockerham that married Sarah Cockerham in Amite County, Mississippi on 12 June 1809 was from the Daniel Cockerham, Sr. line. Shortly we should also be able to tell where the William Cockerham came from that married Brambly Tarver, the grand-daughter of John Cockerham, Sr. At this time it appears that this William Cockerham is either from the William Winn Cockerham line or from another branch of the John Cockerham (b. 1735) line.

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