DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.


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Cladogram results updated 12.10.2012: (Dont know what a cladogram is? Read a basic introduction here: http://ib.berkeley.edu/courses/bio1b/labschedspring2012/labexercises/IntroCladistics3_1.pdf )

The cladograms shows the mitocondira genetic relationship between project members. Early departing branches are the most distant and distinct genetically to others. Late branches show closer relationships. More mtDNA SNP's tested means better resolution and a more correct positioning on the tree in relationship to others. To find your own branch on the tree search your kit ID when viewing the cladogram. Country ID are indicated after the kit ID and can indicate the country of origin or region for your mitocondira to help you infer relationships. Please note that individuals that made their FGS as "private" did not get a FGS based analysis time as their data is unavailable to the project administrator.

HVR1 resolution: https://sites.google.com/site/grpadmscand/HVR1.ps?attredirects=0&d=1
HVR1+2 resolution: https://sites.google.com/site/grpadmscand/HVR2.ps?attredirects=0&d=1
FGS resolution: https://sites.google.com/site/grpadmscand/FGS.ps?attredirects=0&d=1
As we can see from the cladograms, the cladogram at HVR1 and HVR1 and HVR2 can in most cases group the different haplogroups correctly but there are exceptions. This is because haplogroups are not determined alone by SNPs in the HVR1 and HVR2 region but also the coding region. The coding region you only get by doing the full seguence (FGS). In the FGS plot you see a very good grouping even into subclades of mtDNA haplogroups. As the graph shows the best resolution or most informative cladograms are by those who have done the FGS testing.  Please note that individuals that made their FGS as "private" did not get a FGS based analysis time as their data is unavailable to the project administrator.
You need a postscipt viewer to view these files, a Windows freeware version can be downloaded here: https://sites.google.com/site/grpadmscand/PSViewerSetup.zip?attredirects=0&d=1

This cladograms will be upgraded at a regular basis. The current data was download 12.10.2012. If you joined at this date or later please wait for next round that will come soon.