DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.


  • 329 members

About us

The purpose of this site is to record and share DNA information on the Love surname. DNA analysis is a tool for identifying participants who share a common male ancestor. It helps establish links between Love groups who were thought to be unrelated. It also helps separate unrelated Loves who have been erroneously conflated. 

Our Project goal is to share information and bind as many Love families together as possible.  An exact match in the Y-DNA 37 marker test indicates a strong probability of a common ancestor within the past 7 generations. It may be possible to determine who that common ancestor was with good family history research and documentation, and by sharing information with members in each group represented in the Project.

To be successful in our project goal we ask that each member upload a GEDCOM (standardized family tree). The family tree is viewable by genetic matches to help identify common ancestors. Living individuals are shown as "Private." 

Love female descendants are welcome in the project. If you are a female interested in the Love Family DNA Project please encourage yDNA testing of your father, brother, uncle or male cousin who is a Love.