DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.

Beaumont, West Yorkshire

  • 105 members

About us

This is a “Y” chromosome, surname group. Initially, the goal of the was to establish the Haplotree for the male line of the Beaumont family from West Yorkshire, England. This has been accomplished: R-M269, R-L21, and R-BY9003, which is characteristically Brythonic Celt. They also share a familial SNP A1**** (obscured for privacy). The results are detailed in: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AvHd7yOKk7jihJ1pu1AKwedeTivfBA?e=1BUcaI The project has also determined the origins, in England, of the first Beaumonts to arrive in America – New England 1635. An updated report is forthcoming. The surnames delineated in this project include Beaumont, Beamond, Beaman, Beeman, etc. For the surnames Beeman and Beaman, most but NOT all are variations of the surname Beaumont, which mutated upon the arrival of these families in America. Finally, enough individuals have joined the project so that the focus can be expanded to other male Beaumont lines originating in the United Kingdom.