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About us

This is the surnameproject of the "Witte" family, Holland. Especially the "Witte" family from Texel. With this project we trie to find the missing link with the ancestors of Frans Fransz. Watté, born around 1700 and married 1730 on Texel. The Halogroup of Frans Fransz. Watté is G2a3b1 (tested) In this surname project we try finding out family relations with other Witte families in Europe. The Witte Family Project is open to all who are interested in working together to find their common heritage through sharing of information and dna testingbranch. Dit project heeft als oerstamvader Frans Fransz. Watté (Witte) die rond 1700 is geboren en in 1732 op Texel gehuwd is met Pietertje Sieuwerts. Kuijper (1701-1782) We proberen met deze Y-Dna test meer informatie te krijgen over de voorvaderen van Frans, danwel zijn (onbekende) nakomelingen. Een ieder is vrij om deel te nemen aan dit project.

More information on website Ray Banks (Wikipedia)
Y-search XQPX6

Last updated 11-11-2010

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