DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.


  • 63 members

About us

We are searching for people named CLOSE, CLOSS or other variants worldwide (KLOSS, KLOSZ, KLÖS ...).

Is there a male member of your family with one of these surnames? If so, encourage him to join our project. The project is open to all CLOSE/CLOSS males as well as to those whose surnames may be a variant of the CLOSE or CLOSS name.  If this doesn't apply to you, but you still have an interest in these surnames, please join our project and help to build the CLOSE/CLOSS family trees.

Have a look at http://close.one-name.net - and if your family isn't there, please get in touch ( close@one-name.org ) and help me to fill in the gaps.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Margaret Southgate
Co-Administrator of the CLOSE surname project
Administrator of the CLOSE one-name study