
  • 25 members

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Is the hill Forsberg in Värmland, Sweden the place of origin for the Forsberg lastname? The Forsberg surname project attempt to identify as many as possible Forsberg lineages around the world and their origin using Y-DNA analysis together with traditiona geneology. If your male and have the Forsberg surname (or you have a relative male with the Forsberg surname willing to do the test) your able to order a discounted testkit for $99 + $4 freight trough this webpage directly from FTDNA. If you do not order trough a project page but directly from FTDNA's front page it will cost USD 149. For potentional members outside the US: For orders outside the US the test kit delivery time to your mailbox may be up to 2 months however you will not risk local custom fee and extra VAT. If you want to speed up the process and not on a budget you may want to order trough the Genographic Project and later transfer your result for free to the FamilyTreeDNA from were you can join this project. The test kit delivery time is only a few days worldwide trough UPS express service, however using this option you probably pay local custom fee and VAT in your country. The price trough the Genographic Project is $126.50 including freight + additional custom fee and VAT at your country if you order from outside the US. If you choose to order trough Genographic Project you may order here: All people with Forsberg name is most welcome!