O'Donovan Clan YDNA

  • 117 members

About us

O'Donovan is an ancient Irish surname. Originally located at Bruree, in the Valley of the River Maigue in what is now Co. Limerick. They are descended from the ancient King Oilill Olum father of Eoghan Mor( Eugene the Great). For the past 800 years they have been primarily associated with the Southern part of Ireland in Munster in the county of Cork. Historian Peader O'Donovan has identified 32 separate septs of the surname. Pronounced O'Dunaven. We welcome any and all variations of O'Donovan, O'Donndubhain, O'Dhonnabháin, Donovan, Dunivan, Donavan, Donevan,etc. With or without the "O" no matter how you spell it your one of us. Welcome.